Franck Lucas

Franck LUCAS

Associate Professor
Civil engineering and energies

Born on July 2nd 1964
1 child


Professional address:
University of French Polynesia
B.P. 6570 - 98702 Faa’a - Tahiti - French Polynesia


Professional activities:

Co-Director of the Doctoral School of the Pacific (ED 469) since November 2019.

Associate professor at the University of French Polynesia

Supervisor of the Renewable Energies and Energy Management bachelor’s degree at the UPF (since September 2014).

Director of the College of Technology of Saint Pierre – La Réunion (2009 to 2014).

Head of the Civil Engineering Department of the College of Technology of St Pierre – La Réunion. (2003 to 2008)

Researcher at the Laboratory of Physics and Mathematical Engineering for the Environment and Buildings (PIMENT). University of Reunion (1994 - 2014).



Academic background

Accreditation to supervise researches University of Reunion Island. Specialization: Civil engineering and Thermal sciences. 2009

PHD in Civil engineering and Thermal sciences. Reunion Island University. 2001.

Master’s of Science in Energy and mechanics. Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine. Nancy. 1996.

Post-graduate degree in business management. Institut d’Administration des Entreprises. Lyon. 1992.

Engineer in thermal systems and energy. Institut Universitaire des Systèmes Thermiques Industriels. (I.U.S.T.I.), Université de Provence – Marseille. 1989.

Research projects


Solar cooling: ORASOL (ANR), RAFSOL (MOM), Task 38 (International Energy Agency)

Solar thermal electricity : Solartherm (Reunion Council)

Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion: Deep Blue (ADEME), PAT ETM (Reunion Council)

Sea Water Air Conditioning : COPSWAC (ADEME, Gov of French Polynesia)

Building design: COBIOPOL (MOM), ECOMEB (Gov of French Polynesia), Objectif Terre (Gov of French Polynesia).

Marine transportation: POEnav (UPF); Objective earth (UPF).

Other activities


Delegate for French Polynesia for the Ocean Thermal Energy Association

Member of IBPSA-France (International Building Performance Simulation Association).

Founding member of the association TEMERGIE on "Energy Technologies and Energy Management for Reunion Island »

Founding member and secretary of the association ENERVAL for the enhancement of civil engineering and energy in Reunion Island



International journals (22)


F. Ferrucci, D. Stitou, P. Ortega, F.Lucas : Mechanical compressor-driven thermochimical storage for cooling applications in tropical insular regions : concept and efficiency analysis, Applied Energy,  219, pp 240-255, 2018.


H. Semmari, A. Le Denn, F. Boudéhenn, J-P. Praene, F. Lucas, O. Marc. Case study for experimental validation of a new presizing tool for solar heating, cooling and domestic hot water closed systems. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 10, 2017, 272-282


Frantz Sinama, Matthieu Martins , Audrey Journoud, Olivier Marc, Franck Lucas. Thermodynamic analysis and optimization of a 10 MW OTEC Rankine cycle in Reunion Island with the equivalent Gibbs system method and generic optimization program GenOpt.  Applied Ocean Research 08/2015; 53:54 – 66.


Franck Lucas, Pascal Ortega, Mathieu David, Frantz Sinama, Boris Brangeon, Fabien Picgirard. A Method to Evaluate Energy Performance of Buildings Cooled by Room Air Conditioners. Energy Procedia. Volume 75, August 2015, Pages 1275–1283


Olivier Marc, Frantz Sinama, Jean-Philippe Praene, Franck Lucas, Jean Castaing-Lasvignottes. Dynamic modeling and experimental validation elements of a 30 kW LiBr/H2O single effect absorption chiller for solar application. Applied Thermal Engineering 08/2015; 90(C):980-993


Jean-Philippe Praene, Olivier Marc, Razakaniaina Andriamamonjy, Franck Lucas. Retour d'expérience sur une installation de froid solaire : expérimentation et modélisation.  Revue Générale du Froid et du Conditionnement d'Air, 2015, 103 (1149)


H Semmari, O Marc, JP Praene, A Le Denn, F Boudéhenn, F Lucas. Sensitivity analysis of the new sizing tool “PISTACHE” for solar heating, cooling and domestic hot water systems. Energy Procedia 48, 997-1006


M.  Pons,  G.  Anies,  F.  Boudehenn,  P.  Bourdoukan,  J.  Castaing-Lasvignottes,

G. Evola,  A.  Le  Denn,  N.  Le  Pierrès,  O.  Marc,  N.  Mazet,  D.  Stitou,  F.  Lucas.

Performance comparison of six solar-powered air-conditioners operated in five

places, Energy 46, 2012, 471-483.


O.  Marc,  G,  Aniès,  F.  Lucas,  J.  Castaing-Lasvignottes,  Assessing  performance

and controlling operating conditions of a solar driven absorption chiller using

simplified numerical models, Solar Energy 86, 2012, 2231-2239.


J.  Nowag,  F.  Boudéhenn,  A.  Le  Denn,  F.  Lucas,  O.  Marc,  M.  Raduslescu,  P.

Papillon.  Calculation  of  performance  indicators  for  solar  cooling,  heating  and

domestic hot water systems, Energy Procedia 30, 2012, 937 – 946.


O. Marc, F. Sinama, F. Lucas, Decision making tool to design solar cooling system coupled with building under tropical climate, Energy and Buildings 42, 2010, 774–782.


M. Martins, F. Sinama, F. Lucas, Equivalent Gibbs systems for modelling an onshore OTEC experimental plant in Reunion Island, International Journal of Energy Research, Volume 37, Issue 9 July 2013. Pages 1112–1121.


Marc O., Praene J.P., Bastide A., Lucas F., Modeling And Experimental Validation Of The Solar Loop For Absorption Solar Cooling System Using Double Glazed Collectors, Applied Thermal Engineering , Vol.31, 2011, p.268-277.


Olivier Marc, Franck LUCAS. Experimental investigation of a solar cooling absorption system operating without any backup system under tropical climate. Energy and Buildings 42, 2010 774–782.


J.P. Praene,O. Marc,F. Lucas, F. Miranville, Simulation and experimental investigation of solar absorption cooling system in Reunion Island, Applied Energy, 2011.


J.P. Praene, A. Bastide, F. Garde, F. Lucas, Modelling of an evacuated tube collector

sensitivity analysis approach, JP Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer Volume 5, Issue 2, June 2011, 89-106.


Miranville F., Boyer H., Lauret P., Lucas F., A Combined Approach for Determining the Thermal Performance of Radiant Barriers under Field Conditions, Solar Energy, Vol.82, 2008, p.399-410


Mara T. A., Fock E., Garde F., Lucas F., Development of a new model of Single-Speed Air Conditioners at Part-Load Conditions for Hourly Simulations., International Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Vol.127, 2005, p.294-301


F. Lucas, F. Miranville. Indoor humidity modeling and evaluation of condensation on interior surfaces. ASHRAE Transactions; 2004, Vol. 110 Issue 2, p300-308, 9p


F. Lucas, L. Adelard, F. Garde, H. Boyer, Study of moisture in buildings for hot humid climates. Energy and Buildings, Vol 34/4, pp 345-355, february 2002.


Garde F., Lauret A.P., Bastide A., Mara T., Lucas F., Development of a nondimensional model for estimating the cooling capacity and electric consumption of single speed split-systems incorporated in a building thermal simulation program. ASHRAE Transactions, ASHRAE Transactions, Vol.HI-02-18-3, juin, 2002, p.1128-1143


F. Garde, F. Lucas, H. Boyer, J. Brau. Multiple model approach of a residential heat pump for integration in building thermal simulation code and comparison with experimental results. ASHRAE Transactions, vol 107 Part 1, (2001) n°4412.


International congresses (40)


Matthieu ZUBIALDE-ELZAURDIA, Franck LUCAS, Alain BASTIDE. Using CFD simulation to improve estimation of wind pressure coefficient for naturally-ventilated buildings in tropical climate. Ghent (Belgium), 40th AIVC conference. October 2019.


Franck LUCAS, David WARY, keitapu MAAMAATUAIAHUTAPU, Frantz SINAMA, Marania KLOUMAN, Pascal ORTEGA. Energy performance assessment of Sea Water Air Conditioning - a case study in French Polynesia.  5th International OTEC Symposium. November 2017.


Marania Hopuare, Lorène Lucas-Svay, Pascal Ortega, Franck Lucas and Victoire Laurent. Assessing solar resource and photovoltaic production in Tahiti from ground-based measurements. 4th International Conference on Sustainable and Renewable Energy Engineering (ICSREE 2019). DOI:


Franco FERRUCCI, Driss STITOU, Pascal ORTEGA, Franck LUCAS. Mechanical compressor-driven thermochemical storage for cooling applications in tropical insular regions. 9th International Conference on Applied Energy, ICAE2017, 21-24 August 2017, Cardiff, UK.

Franco FERRUCCI, Driss STITOU, Pascal ORTEGA, Franck LUCAS. Photovoltaic-Driven Thermochemical Storage for Cooling Applications: Concept and Efficiency Study. International Sorption Heat Pump Conference 2017, Aug. 7-10, 2017, Tokyo.


Franck Lucas, Marania Hopuare, Charlotte Besnard and Pascal Ortega. Multiscale Characterization of French Polynesia Climate for Dynamic Simulation of Buildings. Conference Proceedings EuroSun 2016. Palma de Mallorca (Spain), 11 – 14 October 2016.


Marania Hopuare, Anthony Jamelot, Franck Lucas, Charlotte Besnard, Pascal
Ortega. High resolution wind regimes over Tahiti, French Polynesia, using
the WRF-ARW mesoscale model. Heiselberg, P. K. (Ed.) (2016). CLIMA 2016 - proceedings of the 12th REHVA World Congress: volume 9.
Aalborg: Aalborg University, Department of Civil Engineering.


Olivier Marc, Paul Guillou, Frantz Sinama, Franck Lucas, Jean-Philippe Praene, Jean Castaing-Lasvignottes. Modeling of a thermal storage system incorporated into a solar cooling installation in an office building. The 28th International Conference On Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation And Environmental Impact Of Energy Systems, Pau (FRANCE); 06/2015


A. Journoud, F. Sinama, F. Lucas. Experimental OTEC projet on Reunion Island. ICOE, October 2012, Dublin.


Tapachès E., Lucas F. and Pons M., Solar thermal electricity at small and medium scale: an opportunity for the tropical island La Réunion, Proceedings of the SolarPACES 2012 International Conference, 11-14 september, Marrakech, Morocco, 2012


F. Lucas, M. David, O. Marc, J-F. Martin, F. Picgirard. Procedure for performance diagnostic for small air conditioning systems using dynamic simulations. Proceedings of Building Simulation 2011: 12th Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association, Sydney, 14-16 November.


Franck Lucas, Jean Perouzel. Instrumentation And Simulation Of The Hygro-thermal Conditions Of A Green Building: A Study Of The Impact Post-occupancy Usages On Thermal Comfort. American Society of Mechanical Engineering, 4th International conference on energy sustainability, May 17- 22, 2010.  Paper Number: ES2010-90499.


O. Marc, E. Monceyron, D. Lagré, A. Le Denn, F. Garde, F. Lucas, Monitoring, analysis and improvements of a solar cooling absorption system under a tropical climate, in: 10th REHVA World Congress "Sustainable Energy Use in Buildings", Antalya, 2010.


F. Sinama, F. Lucas, F. Garde. Modeling of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Plant in Reunion Island. American Society of Mechanical Engineering, 4th International conference on energy sustainability, May 17- 22, 2010. Paper Number: ES2010-90394.


F. Sinama, F. Lucas, F. Garde, D. Stitou, S. Mauran. Modeling and experimental validation of an Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion system in Reunion Island. The Sixth WIOMSA Scientific Symposium. Reunion Island, August 2009.


F. Lucas, F. Boudehenn, S. Amblard, J. Castaing-Lasvignottes, M. Pons, N. Le Pierres, D. Stitou, D. Mugnier. ORASOL: a French research program for solar cooling process optimization. Conférence Eurosun Lisbonne, 8, 9 et 10 Octobre 2008.

O. Marc, F. Lucas, F. Sinama, A. Bastide, E. Monceyron, F. Garde. Simplified modelling and experimental validation elements of a solar cooling system operating with a H_2 O/LiBr absorption chiller in tropical climate. Conférence Eurosun Lisbonne, 8, 9 et 10 Octobre 2008.


F. Lucas, A. Bastide, L. Adelard, H. Boyer, F. Garde. Iterative optimisation using simple simulation tools to improve building design in hot and humid climates. The 11th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate. Copenhagen. 17 – 22 august. 2008.


F. Garde, A. Bastide, F Lucas, L. Christie. Improving building design and indoor conditions in the mid-highlands of the French tropical island of La Réunion. Application to a green building high school “Le Tampon Trois Mares”. CLIMA 2007, Helsinki, Finland. Juin 2007


J.P. Praëne, A. Bastide, F Lucas, F. Garde, H. Boyer. Simulation And Optimization of a Solar Absorption Cooling System Using Evacuated Tube Collectors. CLIMA 2007, Helsinki, Finland. Juin 2007.


Bastide A., Boyer H., Praene J.P and Lucas F., A method based on the Walton model applied to cross-ventilated building to evaluate mass flow rate, RoomVent, 2007, p.1-10


Garde F., Bastide A., Adelard L., Fock E., F. Lucas and Boyer H., Impact of dynamic simulations on the quality of building design and indoor conditions in tropical climates. Application to the green building high school “Tampon Trois Mares”, Reunion island. Healthy Buildings 2006, Lisbonne, Portugal, septembre, 2006


Miranville F., Boyer H., Lucas F., Sériacaroupin J., Numerical evaluation of the thermal performances of roof-mounted radiant barriers, MSO 2006, September, 2006, Gaborone, Botswana, p.267-272


Praene J.P., Lucas F., Garde F., Simulation of solar-powered absorption cooling system for Reunion Island, International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics, ICAMEM 06, Decembre, 2006, Tunisie, p.1-7


F. Lucas, L. Adelard, F. Miranville, F. Garde, H. Boyer. Utilisation d’outils de simulations dynamiques pour l’optimisation des performances d’un bâtiment en climat tropical. ESIM IBPSA 2006, , Toronto, Canada, 3-5 mai, 2006


Boyer H., Lucas. F., Miranville F., Bastide A., Moreau D., Simulations à l’aide de CODYRUN de dispositifs du type mur Trombe, ESIM - IBPSA, May, 2006, Toronto, Canada,


F. Lucas, F. Miranville. Modelling of hydrous and thermal transfers in tropical climates and buffering moisture with hygroscopic materials. The Ninth International Building Performance Simulation Association Conference and Exhibition, Montreal, Canada, p.953-960. August, 2005


Praene J.P., Garde F., Lucas F., Steady state model of solar evacuated tube collector based on sensitivity analysis, 2005 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, November, 2005, Orlando, USA, p.1-6


Bastide A., Lucas F. and Boyer H., Impact of the atmospheric boundary layer profile on the ventilation of a cubic building with two large opposite openings, The 9th International Building Performance Simulation Association World Conference, Août, 2005, Montréal, Canada, p.1-6


Praene J.P, Garde F., Lucas F., Dynamic modelling and elements of validation of solar evacuated tube collectors, The Ninth International Building Performance Simulation Association Conference and Exhibition, Montreal, Canada, p.953-960. August, 2005


Boyer H., Bastide A., Lauret P., Lucas F., A Picard Newton method to solve non linear airflow networks, IASTED Modelling and Simulation Conference (MS0 2005), August, 2005, Oranjestad, ARUBA, p.1-6


Miranville F., Boyer H., Garde F., Lucas F., Détermination des caractéristiques thermiques équivalentes d'une paroi complexe intégrant un produit mince réfléchissant (PMR) à l'aide de simulations dynamiques, ESIM 2004, Juin, 2004, Vancouver, Canada,


Garde F., Lucas F., Mara T., Développement d’un modèle adimensionné de système de climatisation. Intégration dans un code de simulation thermo-aéraulique de bâtiment., VIième Colloque Interuniversitaire Franco-Québecquois, Québec, Canada, mai, 2003.


Garde F., Lucas F., Mara T., Adelard L., Fock E., Depecker P., De la simulation à la réalisation : Présentation d’une approche globale pour l’amélioration de la conception thermo-aéraulique des bâtiments en climat tropical., Vième Colloque Interuniversitaire Franco-Québecquois, Québec, Canada, mai, 2003.


F. Garde, F. Lucas, C. Rat, J.C. Gatina, Conception bioclimatique des logements neufs en climat tropical humide. Présentation d’une approche globale. CISBat 2001, Lausanne, Suisse, 3-4 octobre 2001.


F. Lucas, L. Adelard, F. Garde, T. Mara, F. Miranville. Experiments and numerical simulations in order to study the problems of condensation and comfort in wet tropical climate. CLIMA2000, Naples, 13-15 September. 2000


F. Garde, F. Lucas, H. Boyer, J. Brau. Nécessité de l’approche multimodèle dans la modélisation des systèmes de traitement d’air. IVième colloque inter-universitaire franco-québecquois, Montréal, Canada, mai 1999.


F. Lucas, T. Mara, F. Garde, H. Boyer. A comparison between CODYRUN and TRNSYS simulation codes for thermal building behaviour. WREC 1998, World Renewable Energy Congress, Florence, Italie, septembre 1998.


F. Garde, H. Boyer, F. Pignolet-Tardan, F. Lucas, J. Brau, Multiple model approach and experimental validation of a residential air-to-air heat pump. CLIMA 2000, Bruxelles, août 1997


F. Lucas, F. Garde, H. Boyer, H., J.C. Gatina. Validation expérimentale et ajustement de paramètres de modèles de système de traitement d’air. 3ième colloque inter-universitaire franco-québecois, Toulouse, Mai 1997.


National congresses (19)


Franck Lucas, Marania Hopuare, Pascal Ortega, Neil Davies, Daniel Kammen, Deborah Sunter, David Wary, Cecile Gaspar, Richard Bailey, Frank Murphy. COPSWAC research program: Characterization and optimization of energy performance of Seawater Air-Conditioning (SWAC). SEANERGY conference 2019.


Franck Lucas, Marania Hopuare, Charlotte Besnard, Pascal Ortega. Caractérisation multi-échelle du climat de la Polynésie française pour la simulation dynamique de bâtiments. Conférence IBPSA France – Marne-la-Vallée – 2016.


Frantz SinamaAudrey JournoudAlexandre DijouxFranck LucasBertrand Clauzade et al.  Etude expérimentale d'un prototype ETM à La Réunion
Congrès Français de Thermique 2016, May 2016, Toulouse, France. <>


Tapachès E., Castaing-Lasvignottes J., Lucas F., Bézian J.-J., Veynandt F., and Pons M., Modélisation dynamique des transferts de chaleur au sein d’un récepteur linéaire de Fresnel : application d’une régulation lors de passages nuageux, in "Approches multi-échelles pour la thermique, l’énergétique et le génie des procédés" Actes Congrès Français de Thermique SFT 2014, 3-6 juin, Lyon, France, J. Bonjour & P. Laurent Ed., Pub. SFT-Paris France, ISBN 978-2-37111-003-8, ISSN 1258-164X, Vol. 2 pp. 145-152 (8823.pdf), 2014.


Tapachès E., Castaing-Lasvignottes J., Lucas F., Marc O., Bézian J.-J., Veynandt F., and Pons M., Simulation dynamique du récepteur d’un capteur de Fresnel linéaire, Actes Journées Nationales sur l'Énergie Solaire, 8-10 juillet, Perpignan, France, 2014.


F. SINAMA, M. MARTINS, O. MARC, A. JOURNOUD, F. LUCAS Modélisation et validation expérimentale d'un cycle ETM par la méthode des Systèmes Equivalents de Gibbs Congrès de la Société Française de Thermique; mai 2012.


Blaise Letexier, Olivier MARC, Jean-Philippe Praene, Franck Lucas. Analyse de sensibilité appliquée à une installation de rafraichissement solaire

Conférene IBPSA France. Chambéry . Juin  2012.


O. Marc, J-P Praene, A. Bastide, F. Garde, F. Lucas, Modélisation et éléments de validation expérimentale d’un champ de capteurs solaire double vitrage appliqués au rafraîchissement solaire par absorption. Simurex Ecole thématique, Cargèse, Avril 2010.


O. Marc, F. Lucas, F. Sinama, A. Bastide, H. Boyer, E. Monceyron, F. Garde

Modélisation et validation expérimentale d’une installation de rafraîchissement solaire par absorption en climat tropical: Conférence IBPSA FRANCE Lyon Novembre 2008.


F.Lucas. Rafraîchissement solaire en climat tropical: Installation RAFSOL. Conférence Internationale DERBI Perpignan, juin 2008


F. Lucas. Pôle Formation/Recherche de l’Université de La Réunion. Conférence Internationale DERBI Perpignan, juin 2008.


Lucas F. Stratégie et logique de confort en climat tropical. Journée thématique IBPSA 2007. Aix les Bains, Avril 2007.


Praene J.P., Bastide A., Lucas F., Garde F., Etude et modélisation d'un capteur solaire sous vide à circulation directe, 18ème CONGRES FRANCAIS DE MECANIQUE, Aout, 2007, Grenoble, France,


F. Lucas. Programmes de recherche en rafraîchissement solaire dans l'île de La Réunion et en France : Situation et perspectives. Conférence Internationale DERBI Perpignan, juin 2006


Praene J.P., Garde F., Lucas F., Simulation et optimisation d'un système de rafraîchissement solaire par absorption couplé à un bâtiment, IBPSA France, Novembre, 2006, Saint Pierre, France,


Lucas F. Research and development in renewable energies. Université d’été de l’Agence Régionale pour l’Energie Réunion. St Pierre, Juin  2005.


Bastide A., Boyer H., Lauret P., Lucas F. and Garde F., Intégration à TRNSYS du noyau de CODYRUN, code de simulation thermo-aéraulique de bâtiments : le Type 59, 4ième séminaire TRNSYS-EES, Septembre, 2001, Lyon, France, p.1-6


Bastide A., Boyer H., Lauret P., Lucas F., Garde F. 2001. Intégration à TRNSYS du noyau de CODYRUN, code de simulation thermo-aéraulique de bâtiments : le Type 59. 4ième séminaire TRNSYS-EES francophone, Lyon, Septembre 2001


Fock E., Lauret A.J.-P., Mara T.A., Boyer H., Lucas F., Modélisation hybride pour la simulation thermique du bâtiment, Société Française de Thermique (SFT2000), Mai, 2000, Lyon, France.




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